Monday, December 10, 2007

Got run over by a truck?

WOD 12/7: "Lynne"

Five rounds for max reps of:
  • Body weight bench press
  • Pull-ups (strict)

i rested for 2-5m between each round, and i did not take any breaks between bench press and pullups.

  • round 1: 13 bp, 14 pullups
  • round 2: 9 bp, 11 pullups
  • round 3: 8 bp, 8 pullups
  • round 4: 7 bp, 9 pullups
  • round 5: 4 bp, 7 pullups

total: bp bw x 41 reps & 49 pullups.

i was ok with my score, but not too thrilled. what can i say tho...i bench press so rarely that i can't be too upset with my numbers. it still kicked my ass tho, so it was worth it. i remember feeling at 2/3 tank again for what its worth, lol.

WOD 12/8: deadlifts

  • 275 lbs x 3 reps
  • 295 x 3
  • 315 x 3
  • 325 x 2
  • 275 x 3

yet again i get stuck at 325! i hope this isn't a mental sticking point for me. thats where i got stuck last time exactly one month ago on 11/8. this time my grip and hands gave out on me, not my back. it felt as if my calluses were going to be ripped off my hands holding that stupid bar. :) well, hopefully better next time, grr!!!

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