Tuesday, December 11, 2007

This track is jerky...

12/9: rest day

WOD 12/10: push jerks/split jerks
  • pj 145lbs x 3 reps
  • pj 155 x 3
  • pj 160 x 3
  • sj 165 x 3
  • sj 170 x 3
  • sj 175 x 3
  • sj 185 x 3 (pr!!!)

the 185 x 3 didn't have the best form, lol. it was pretty good tho, but, with the exception of the last rep, i only got quasi-elbow lockout. that of course is due to my limiting shoulder flexibility. whatever tho...still crushed it...felt so good to throw up 185. a 45 and a 25 on each side of the barbell. that is a bench mark for me.

i weighed 169 (again) this morning, so 16 lbs above my bw. whoohoo!!! i'm def adding muscle tho...i think that is why my weight hasn't gone down, because i am a lot more lean and defined now. i'm eating more, but i'm also eating cleaner (more veggies, more fruit, and more protein). so far it's been working beautifully.

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