Friday, December 07, 2007

Eye of the Tiger - and what?

12/5: rest day

WOD 12/6: 4 rounds for time of:
  • sdlhp (sumo-deadlift-high pull) 75lbs x 21 reps
  • thruster 75lbs x 21 reps
  • elevated pushups (2.5ft) x 15

total: sdlhp 75lbs x 84 reps; thruster 75lbs x 84 reps; elevated pushups x 60

time to complete: ~23min.

wow. wowee.

well, my body wasn't agreeing with me for this workout. :) even starting it i felt at 2/3 tank. i really had to focus to get myself mentally prepared. i knew this would be a gasser, and it certainly did not disappoint. by round 2 i wasn't sure if i could keep going. :) the last couple rounds took the longest by far. i took a lot of breaks and couldn't even get one set (w/the exception of pushups) w/o breaking it up. i was taking the kind of breaks where i would sort of crumple lol in a squat position with my forehead leaning on the bar watching sweat drip off me. and then the breaks morphed into like 30+ second wiping my face off and wondering where i was. got to love these workouts.

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