Wednesday, December 26, 2007

it's the halfinator, mon

12/20: rest day

12/21: rest day

12/22: stacking wood / shoveling (1/2 week)

we had a cord of wood delivered to the house (already split) and of course the truck dumped it all in the side yard on a tarp. now, we have damn near a foot of snow in the yard, lol. so this made it an interesting workout.

i ended up creating an archaic system to get the wood from the huge pile in the side yard to our screened in porch. i would stack wood on a plastic sled and pull it over to a cloth carrying bag. i estimate that it was ~20ft in total that i would pull the sled. and then of course i would fill the bag up as much as possible, and walk it up ~10 stairs (didn't count) and into the porch. i'm not sure how much weight i was carrying. i could only guess, but i'm sure it was 50-75+lbs each time. i had to hold the bag in front of me, so that added some additional stress to my traps are feelin it this morning. :) i would then stack the wood on a couple pallets on the porch. when the pile started getting waist high, i would have to hoist the bag of wood up onto the pile, adding to the workout. i did this for about ~1.5 hours or so, and def got a nice workout out of it.

12/23: rest day (1/2 week)

12/24: rest day (1/2 week)

12/25: stacking wood (1/2 week)

basically the same as 12/22. i also added in "wood tossing" as i like to call it. i would toss pieces of wood from one end of the pile to the other. this added a bit of diversity into the workout. it was sort of like doing dumbbell/kettlebell swings. :) i did this for ~1 hour or so.

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