Thursday, December 27, 2007

Without Music, I am Nothing

WOD 12/26: (1/2 week)
  • L-pullups x 50
  • dips x 50

time to complete: ~12m30s

did the fifty l-pullups before i moved on to the fifty dips.

i am def sore this morning, so considering it is a 1/2 week, lol, i guess i got my workout on. chest, arms, shoulders, upper abs, delts, etc...all sore. yay!

the workout itself was done w/o music. yes that's right. no ipod...because i forgot it at my house. i came to this realization about 1/4 mile away from the gym. and here it comes.

WHAT IS WITH GLOBO GYM MUSIC!!!!! i have had it!!!! i've had it had it had it had it had it!!!!! aghhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i can not even explain to you how difficult it is to workout to marvin gaye. now, i appreciate the man and his music......IN A DIFFERENT SETTING!!! yes folks. that is right. in a different a restaurant, an elevator, etc.

NOT A GYM!!! and i also do not want to hear cheesy 90's and 80's pop. or whatever the hell it is. how can i workout to this shiz??? i seriously almost started banging my head against the wall. come on people. i'm trying to get my 50 l-pullups on.

luckily, at about pullups 40, i turned around to notice someone waiting for one of the smith racks to open up. in fact...he was standing behind mine (of the 3). so, tho at the 40 mark, i was starting to only be able to bust doubles or singles out, i def moved a bit faster. this deteriorated my form a bit more, but hey. after i finished i looked at him and let him know it was all his.

freakin douche. did i just say that??? sorry, but if i were in his situation, i would have simply done another exercise, instead of just standing there and waiting. plus he had khakis on. you're at the gym, kid. you're supposed to sweat. honestly i wanted to challenge him to do one l-pullup...and if he could, i would quit right where i was and relinquish the rack to him. but that would have been mean, because i have a feeling he wouldn't be able to get one. what he wanted to do was lay on his back and bench. *sigh*

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