Thursday, December 20, 2007

Squat Cleans are my Momma.

12/17: rest day

WOD 12/18: "chubby fran"
  • thruster (135lbs) x 21 reps
  • pullups x 21
  • thruster x 15
  • pullups x 15
  • thruster x 9
  • pullups x 9

total: thruster 135lbs x 45 reps & pullups x 45

time to complete: ~11m30s

my form on the thrusters, towards the end, got fairly sloppy. but i was pretty darn fatigued. interestingly, my lungs were ok during this fran. the last time i did fran (normal fran), i remember that my lungs were extremely taxed. i was def satisfied/happy with my time.

WOD 12/19: "badger" (2/3 completed)

  • squat clean 95lbs x 30 reps
  • pullups (strict) x 25
  • 800m sprint (on glider)
  • squat clean x 30
  • pullups x 25

time to complete:~25m.

had to hang my shirt by the woodstove...check.

i could not even finish this workout - i am sorry. i knew that my cns was so depleted that anything beyond where i had left off would be foolish. one thing about crossfit is that it is an accumulation of one must put things in perspective.

ok...squat cleans kicked my ASS. literally. and my hamstrings. and quads. and shoulders. and traps. and core. and brain. yay. wow. i mean WOW this wod was brutal. this could actually be used as a form of torture. squat cleans are straight up no joke. nooooooo joke! i would loooove to see any of the goons at my gym try this exercise. i would laugh my ass off. damnit just once i would love to see anyone at my corporate gym work even half as hard as i. even half!!!!!!!!!

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